Encapsulate your beloved stained glass windows inside a double glazed unit
We can take your existing stained glass or leaded window and encapsulate it inside a double glazed unit. This is usually required when existing wooden frames are being upgraded to upvc frames.
In the majority of cases the new frames have a smaller apature where the glass / window would be fitted. This means that the leaded glass would need to be cut down in size to accommodate the bar and sealant of the new double glazed unit.
We can also design and make a bespoke leaded window to your exact specification and ideas and encapsulate it inside a double glazed unit. It would be made to fit your existing upvc frame. We simply remove your existing double glazed unit and replace with the newly made encapsulated stained glass or leaded window.
This gives you the chance to have your own stained glass window with the added benefit of effectively having a triple glazed window.
These are a few examples of encapsulations we have done previously. Poppy Window, Birds and Flowers, Kiribati Flag and Cregneish.

Leaded panel before re sizing
The leaded panel has been removed from the old wooden frame and the outer lead removed.

Cutting down the panel
You can see the lines on the glass where the panel will be cut to size. The panel is accurately measured before cutting.

New outer lead
Once the panel has been cut down to size new profile lead is cut and soldered to the perimeter of the leaded panel.

Finished encapsulated unit
The new re sized panels with new lead gets a thorough cleaning and we carry out any restoration or repairs needed to ensure the panel looks great, then it can be encapsulated.